Common pronunciations (in British English – Gimson,1981) of mathematical and scientific symbols are given in the list below.
+ | plus | /’plʌs/ |
– | minus | /’maɪnəs/ |
± | plus or minus | /’plʌs ɔ: ‘maɪnəs/ |
x | multiplied by | /’mʌltɪplaɪd baɪ/ |
/ | over; divided by | /’əʊvə/ /dɪ’vaɪdəd/ |
÷ | divided | /dɪ’vaɪdəd/ |
= | equals | /’ɪ:kwəlz/ |
≈ | approximately, similar | /ə’prɒksɪmətlɪ/ /’sɪmɪlə tʊ/ |
≡ | equivalent to; identical | /ɪk’wɪvələnt tʊ/ /aɪ’dentɪkl tʊ/ |
≠ | not equal to | /’nɒt ‘iːkwəl tʊ/ |
> | greater than | /’greɪtə ðən/ |
< | less than | /’les ðən/ |
≥ | greater than or equal to | /’greɪtə ðən ər ‘iːkwəl tʊ/ |
≤ | less than or equal to | /’les ðən ər’ iːkwəl tʊ/ |
⊁ | not greater than | /’nɒt ‘greɪtə ðən/ |
⊀ | not less than | /’nɒt ‘les ðən/ |
≫ | much greater than | /’mʌʧ ‘greɪtə ðən/ |
≪ | much less than | /’mʌʧ ‘les ðən/ |
⊥ | perpendicular to | /pɜːpən’dɪkjʊlə tʊ/ |
∣∣ | parallel to | /’pærəlel tʊ/ |
≢ | not equivalent to, not identical to | /’nɒt ɪk’wɪvələnt tʊ/ /’nɒt aɪ’dentɪkl tʊ/ |
≄≉ | not similar to | /’nɒt ‘sɪmɪlə tʊ/ |
² | squared | /’skweəd/ |
³ | cubed | /’kju:bd/ |
4 | to the fourth; to the power four | /tə ðə ‘fɔːθ/ /te ðə ‘pɑʊə fɔː/ |
n | to the n; to the nth; to the power n | /tə ðɪ en; tə dɪ enθ; tə ðə pɑʊər en/ |
√ | root; square root | /ru:t/ /skweə ru:t/ |
∛ | cube root | /kju:b ru:t/ |
∜ | fourth root | /fɔːθ ruːt/ |
! | factorial | /fæk’tɔːrɪəl/ |
% | percent | /pə’sent/ |
∞ | infinity | /ɪn’fɪnətɪ/ |
∝ | varies as; proportional to | /’vɛərɪz/ /prə’pɔːʃənəl/ |
˙ | dot | /dɒt/ |
¨ | double dot | /dʌbl dɒt/ |
: | is to, ratio of | /reɪʃɪəʊ/ |
f(x) fx | f; function | /ef/ /’fʌŋkʃən/ |
f'(x) | f dash; derivative | /dæʃ/ /dɪ’rɪvətɪv/ |
f”x | f double-dash; second derivative | /’dʌbl dæʃ/ /’sekənd dɪ’rɪvətɪv/ |
f”'(x) | f triple-dash; f treble-dash; third derivative | /’trɪpl dæʃ/ / trebl dæʃ/ /θɜ:d dɪ’rɪvətɪv/ |
f(4) | f four; fourth derivative | /fɔːθ dɪ’rɪvətɪv/ |
∂ | partial derivative, delta | /paːʃəl dɪ’rɪvətɪv/ /deltə/ |
∫ | integral | /’ɪntɪgrəl/ |
∑ | sum | /sʌm/ |
w.r.t. | with respect to | /wɪð ‘rɪspekt/ |
log | log | /lɒg/ |
log₂x | log to the base 2 of x | /lɒg tə ðə beɪs tu: əv eks/ |
∴ | therefore | /’ðɛəfɔː/ |
∵ | because | /bɪ’kɒz/ |
→ | gives, leads to, approaches | /gɪvz/ /li:dz tʊ/ /əprəʊʧəz/ |
/ | per | /pɜ:/ |
∈ | belongs to; a member of; an element of | /bɪ’lɒŋz/ /’membə/ /’elɪmənt/ |
∉ | does not belong to; is not a member of; is not an element of | /nɒt bɪ’lɒŋ/ /nɒt ə ‘membə/ /nɒt ən ‘elɪmənt/ |
⊂ | contained in; a proper subset of | /kən’teɪnd ɪn/ /’prɒpə ‘sʌbset/ |
⊆ | contained in; subset | /’sʌbset/ |
⋂ | intersection | /’ɪntəsekʃən/ |
⋃ | union | /’juːnɪən/ |
∀ | for all | /fə rɔ:l/ |
cos x | cos x; cosine x | /kɒz/ |
sin x | sine x | /saɪn/ |
tan x | tangent x | /tan/ |
cosec x | cosec x | /’kəʊsek/ |
sinh x | shine x | /’ʃaɪn/ |
cosh x | cosh x | /’kɒʃ/ |
tanh x | than x | /θæn/ |
|x| | mod x; modulus x | /mɒd/ /’mɒdjʊləs/ |
℃ | degrees Centigrade | /dɪ’gri:z ‘sentɪgreɪd/ |
℉ | degrees Fahrenheit | /dɪ’gri:z ‘færənhaɪt/ |
°K | degrees Kelvin | /dɪ’gri:z ‘kelvɪn/ |
0°K, –273.15 °C | absolute zero | /absəlu:t zi:rəʊ/ |
mm | millimetre | /’mɪlɪmiːtə/ |
cm | centimetre | /’sentɪmiːtə/ |
cc, cm³ | cubic centimetre, centimetre cubed | /’kjuːbɪk ‘sentɪmiːtə/ /’sentɪmiːtə ‘kju:bd/ |
m | metre | /’miːtə/ |
km | kilometre | /kɪ’lɒmɪtə/ |
mg | milligram | /’mɪlɪgræm/ |
g | gram | /græm/ |
kg | kilogram | /’kɪləgræm/ |
AC | A.C. | /eɪ si:/ |
DC | D.C. | /di: si:/ |
x + 1 | x plus one |
x -1 | x minus one |
x ± 1 | x plus or minus one |
xy | x y; x times y; x multiplied by y |
(x — y)(x + y) | x minus y, x plus y |
x/y | x over y; x divided by y; |
x ÷ y | x divided by y |
x = 5 | x equals 5; x is equal to 5 |
x ≈ y | x is approximately equal to y |
x ≡ y | x is equivalent to y; x is identical with y |
x ≠ y | x is not equal to y |
x > y | x is greater than y |
x < y | x is less than y |
x ≥ y | x is greater than or equal to y |
x ≤ y | x is less than or equal to y |
0 < x < 1 | zero is less than x is less than 1; x is greater than zero and less than 1 |
0 ≤ x ≤ 1 | zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1; x is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1 |
x² | x squared |
x³ | x cubed |
x4 | x to the fourth; x to the power four |
xn | x to the n; x to the nth; x to the power n |
x-n | x to the minus n; x to the power of minus n |
√ | root x; square root x; the square root of x |
∛ | the cube root of x |
∜ | the fourth root of x |
![]() | the nth root of x |
(x + y)² | x plus y all squared |
(x/y)² | x over y all squared |
n! | n factorial; factorial n |
x% | x percent |
∞ | infinity |
x ∝ y | x varies as y; x is (directly) proportional to y |
x ∝ 1/y | x varies as one over y; x is indirectly proportional to y |
ẋ | x dot |
ẍ | x double dot |
f(x) fx | f of x; the function of x |
f'(x) | f dash x; the (first) derivative of with respect to x |
f”x | f double-dash x; the second derivative of f with respect to x |
f”'(x) | f triple-dash x; f treble-dash x; the third derivative of f with respect to x |
f(4) | f four x; the fourth derivative of f with respect to x |
∂v | the partial derivative of v |
∂v ∂θ | delta v by delta theta, the partial derivative of v with respect to θ |
∂²v ∂θ² | delta two v by delta theta squared; the second partial derivative of v with respect to θ |
dv | the derivative of v |
dv dθ | d v by d theta, the derivative of v with respect to theta |
d²v dθ² | d 2 v by d theta squared, the second derivative of v with respect to theta, |
∫ | integral |
![]() | integral from zero to infinity |
∑ | sum |
![]() | the sum from i equals 1 to n |
w.r.t. | with respect to |
logey | log to the base e of y; log y to the base e; natural log (of) y |
∴ | therefore |
∵ | because |
→ | gives, approaches |
Δx → 0 | delta x approaches zero |
lim Δx→0 | the limit as delta x approaches zero, the limit as delta x tends to zero |
Lt Δx→0 | the limit as delta x approaches zero, the limit as delta x tends to zero |
m/sec | metres per second |
x ∈ A | x belongs to A; x is a member of A; x is an element of A |
x∉ A | x does not belong to A; x is not a member of A; x is not an element of A |
A⊂ B | A is contained in B; A is a proper subset of B |
A ⊆ B | A is contained in B; A is a subset of B |
A ⋂ B | A intersection B |
A ⋃ B | A union B |
cos x | cos x; cosine x |
sin x | sine x |
tan x | tangent x, tan x |
cosec x | cosec x |
sinh x | shine x |
cosh x | cosh x |
tanh x | than x |
|x| | mod x; modulus x |
18 ℃ | eighteen degrees Centigrade |
70 ℉ | seventy degrees Fahrenheit |
Có nhiều biểu tượng thông dụng hàng ngày như dấu chấm, dấu phẩy, dấu chấm cảm, dấu ngoặc đơn, ngoặc kép, ngoặc vuông, dấu a còng dùng trong địa chỉ email..vv ta cần phải biết cách diễn đạt trong tiếng Anh.
. dấu chấm cuối câu = period (kiểu Mỹ) hoặc Full Stop (kiểu Anh, Úc, Tân Tây Lan)
, dấu phẩy = comma
: dấu hai chấm = colon
; dấu chấm phẩy = semicolon
! dấu chấm cảm = exclamation mark
? dấu hỏi = question mark
– dấu gạch ngang = hyphen
‘ dấu phẩy phía trên bên phải một từ dùng trong sở hữu cách hoặc viết tắt một số từ = apostrophe
— dấu gạch ngang dài = dash
‘ ‘ dấu trích dẫn đơn = single quotation mark
” ” dấu trích dẫn kép = double quotation marks
( ) dấu ngoặc = parenthesis (hoặc ‘brackets’)
[ ] dấu ngoặc vuông = square brackets& dấu và (and) = ampersand
→ dấu mũi tên = arrow
+ dấu cộng = plus
– dấu trừ = minus
± dấu cộng hoặc trừ = plus or minus
× dấu nhân = is multiplied by
÷ dấu chia = is divided by
= dấu bằng = is equal to
≠ is not equal to
≡ is equivalent to
< is less than
> is more than
≤ is less than or equal to
≥ is more than or equal to
% dấu phần trăm = per cent (không thêm S bao giờ)
∞ dấu vô cực = infinity
° biểu tượng độ = degree
°C biểu tượng độ C = degree(s) Celsius
′ biểu tượng phút = minute
” biểu tượng giây = second
# biểu tượng số = number
@ dấu a còng hay a móc = at ( đọc là ‘123 at yahoo dot com’)
. dấu chấm không phải chấm cuối câu = dot ( đọc là ‘123 at yahoo dot com’)
\ dấu suyệt phải = back slash
/ dấu suyệt trái = slash hoặc forward slash
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